ISSUE 34: 25th October, 2024
Principal Message
Gospel Reflection
In this Sunday’s Gospel (Mark 10:46-52), Bartimaeus, a blind man, persistently calls out to Jesus despite being silenced by the crowd. His unwavering faith leads to his healing. Jesus tells him, “Go; your faith has saved you.” Bartimaeus’ story reminds us to trust in God, especially in challenging times. It teaches us and our children to ask for help with confidence and faith, knowing we are heard. As a school community, we can foster this trust by encouraging our children to express their needs, assured they will be supported.
What’s on Next Week (Week 4)
Monday 28th October | Mission Activity: Hot Dog & Ice Cream |
Tuesday 29th October | School Advisory Council (SAC) Meeting @ 5:15pm |
Thursday 31st October | SSV Region Volleyball & Hot Shots Tennis (Swan Hill) Mission Activity: Middle Unit Movie & Pyjama Day |
Friday 1st November | SSV Region Basketball & Softball (Swan Hill) Mission Activity: Colour Explosion Fun Run |
Coming up in Term 4, Week 5
Monday 4th November | School Closure Day |
Tuesday 5th November | Melbourne Cup Public Holiday |
Friday 8th November | SSV Division T20 Cricket |
Dear Parents, Guardians, Staff & Students,
Weekly Highlights
A big well done to our Softball, Volleyball, and Tennis teams for their fantastic effort at Monday’s Division Finals! Special congratulations to our boys and girls volleyball teams and our boys softball team for winning their sections. We’re so proud of the hard work and teamwork everyone showed!
Today, we celebrated World Teachers’ Day and recognized the incredible dedication of our staff. Our teachers continue to inspire and support our students every day. A huge thank you to all of them for making such a positive impact on our school community!
We also welcomed our 2025 Foundation students for their first Transition Day today, and they did an amazing job! It was great to see them settling in, with the help of their Year 5 buddies, and getting excited for next year.
Congratulations to our Hamper Raffle winners from our Assembly today.

Sacrament of First Eucharist
Many of our Year 4 students will be celebrating their First Eucharist this weekend, with masses on Friday at 6pm, Saturday 9:30am & 6pm, and Sunday 9am and 5pm. Let’s keep them in our prayers as they prepare for this very special occasion.
All Saints’ and All Souls’ Days – Communion of Saints
This week, we celebrate the two-day feast of the Communion of Saints, beginning with All Saints’ Day on November 1st. On this day, the Church honors all Christians who have achieved spiritual maturity and are now with God in heaven, especially those canonised by the Church. All Souls’ Day follows on November 2nd, when we remember and pray for all our departed loved ones who are on their way to heaven. This is a special time to reflect on the unity between those in heaven and those still on their journey.
School Advisory Council (SAC)
Our last SAC Meeting for 2024 will be held this Tuesday evening, beginning at 5:15 pm. We extend our gratitude to our 2024 parent representatives: Racheal Fyfe, Melissa Waters, Warren Henderson, Ben Tallent, Ben Chatfield, and Katie McCoy.
Mission Month Continues
We have a busy and exciting week ahead as Mission Month continues with several events aimed at supporting our Mission fundraiser for Peru:
- Monday: Hot Dogs & Ice Cream Lunch at 11:25am (in front of the Stadium). Ice creams will be delivered to classrooms during recess.
- Tuesday: Icy Poles on sale.
- Thursday: Icy Poles on sale & Middle Unit Movie & Pyjama Day.
- Friday: Colour Explosion Fun Run during assembly time (1:45-3:10pm). Parents are encouraged to attend!
Please check the Mission Month Calendar for details. If you have any questions, reach out to a member of the Missions Committee.
Sports News
We wish our Boys & Girls Volleyball teams the best as they head to Swan Hill for the School Sports Victoria (SSV) Region Volleyball competition on Thursday. On Friday, our Girls Basketball and Boys Softball teams will compete in the Region Basketball & Softball events, also in Swan Hill. Best of luck to all our teams!
Colour Explosion Fun Run – Friday
Our much-anticipated Colour Explosion Fun Run will take place during assembly this Friday from 1:45pm to 3:10pm. Parents are invited to come along and support the event.
Students should wear sports shorts and a white shirt for the day, and we recommend bringing a towel as students will get wet. If your child has not participated in fundraising but would still like to join in, we kindly ask for a $5 donation on the day. All proceeds go towards our Mission Month fundraiser for Peru.
Fundraising is through the Colour Run website: If you have any questions, please contact the school office.
2025 Classroom Structure, Transition & Class Placement
Information about the 2025 Classroom Structure and the Transition & Class Placement process will be shared with staff and families next week. Please keep an eye out for this important communication.
Upcoming Pupil Free & School Closure Days
Please take note of the following important dates:
- Monday, 4 November: School Closure Day
- Friday, 15 November: Pupil Free Day (SIMON Usage for Student Plans)
Also, the last day for students this year will be Wednesday, 18 December.
2024 Prep Transition Dates
Today we were excited to welcome our 2024 Foundation students to Sacred Heart for their first transition day! Below are the details for the upcoming sessions:
- Session 2: Monday, 11th November, 8:45am – 11:00am
- Session 3: Wednesday, 20th November, 5:00pm – 6:00pm (Buddy BBQ)
- Session 4: Tuesday, 3rd December, 8:30am – 1:30pm
(Including a Parent Information Session from 9:00am – 10:00am)
We look forward to seeing our new students and parents at these sessions!
Administration News
Attached is a copy of the School Fee Structure for 2025. Mary has been sending out Fee Commitment Forms via email, so you can choose your payment option for next year. This year, the forms can be completed electronically, making it even easier!
Once you return the form, Mary will calculate your family’s fees and send you an SMS when everything is ready. After that, you'll need to stop by the office to sign the payment option form, and Mary will go over everything with you. If you have any questions, she'll be happy to help on the spot.
Please keep an eye on your emails this week for the form. If you haven’t received it by Monday, feel free to call reception.
Ensuring Quality Time with Your Child’s Teacher: Schedule a Meeting for In-Depth Conversations
We value the strong relationship between our families and teaching staff, and we know that you may occasionally need to speak with your child’s teacher. To ensure that all conversations are meaningful and uninterrupted, we kindly ask that you make an appointment if you'd like to discuss anything in depth.
On-the-spot conversations, especially during school pick-up or drop-off, are often not the best time for teachers to engage in focused discussions about your child's progress or well-being. Of course, greetings or brief exchanges are always welcome, but for anything more substantial, please contact the teacher to schedule a time that suits both you and the teacher.
This process ensures that each discussion gets the attention it deserves and that teachers can continue giving their best to all students.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
God Bless!
Mark Gibson
2024 Dates of Interest
Term 4 | |
Friday 1st November | School Run4Fun Colour Explosion event |
Monday 4th November | School Closure Day |
Friday 15th November | Pupil Free Day - SIMON Usage |
Thursday 12th December | End of Year Graduation Mass |
Wednesday 18th December | Students Last Day |
Religious Education
Sacrament of First Eucharist (Year 4 & Above)
We continue to pray for Year Four students who are preparing for the Sacrament of First Eucharist this weekend.
Celebration of Sacrament - Friday 25th @ 6pm, Saturday 26th @ 6pm & Sunday 27th @ 9am & 5pm October 2024.
Sacrament of Reconciliation (Year 2 & Above)
Celebration of Sacrament - Wednesday 27th November 5.30pm, 6pm or 6.30pm
Mission Month
At the end of Week 3 we have now raised nearly $4000 online for our Colour Explosion Fun Run which is a great start although that is only 54 students out of our 340 students total. Our goal is to raise $10000 so if your child has not registered please refer to the Australian Fundraising booklet and instructions that were sent home in Week 1 and if possible, get them registered with a donation. You only need to raise a minimum of $10 to receive an incentive prize.
While online, you can also check out the top 5 Year level fundraisers:
1st is Year 2 with $893
2nd is Year 1 with $835
3rd is Year 4 with $538
4th is Year 6 with $350
5th is Year 3 with $350
For those children who decide not to register and fundraise for the Colour Explosion, they will need to bring $5 in cash to cover costs of the sunglasses, headbands and colour powder used on the day.
Don’t forget that all children will need a white shirt for the day. As the children will get wet and painted they may also like to bring a change of clothes/socks/shoes and a plastic bag. Thanks, Chris This week, we have continued conducting assessments in the area of Literacy. Students have been progressing through their Progressive Achievement Tests (PAT) and participating in the South Australian Spelling Test. Next week, students will have the opportunity to showcase their writing as part of a moderation process that teachers will conduct collaboratively. The results of these assessments will provide valuable insights into student progress across various areas and will help guide adjustments to our teaching programs for 2025.
Learning and Teaching
This week, we have continued conducting assessments in the area of Literacy. Students have been progressing through their Progressive Achievement Tests (PAT) and participating in the South Australian Spelling Test. Next week, students will have the opportunity to showcase their writing as part of a moderation process that teachers will conduct collaboratively. The results of these assessments will provide valuable insights into student progress across various areas and will help guide adjustments to our teaching programs for 2025.
Congratulations Josh Paterson, Chloe Watson and Harlow Landkroon on receiving the Ray White Thumbs up Positive Behaviour Award this week!

Foundation News
Thank you to everyone who participated in Silly Sock Day! It was great to see everyone getting around the fundraising event. Out Guess the Lolly Jar winners will be announced next week so this will be the last week for students to take a guess. Thank you to everyone for your support throughout the month of fundraising, it is greatly appreciated.
Over the last couple of weeks we have begun our formal assessments in preparation for the end of the year. Students have been doing an amazing job of trying their best and staying positive as they demonstrate their learning.
Next week’s Show and Tell topic is ‘something from when you were born’. Please support your child in selecting something so they are able to participate in our Show and Tell on Wednesday.
Upcoming Important Dates:
Thursday 31st October: Announcement of lolly jar winners
Friday 1st November: School Run4Fun Colour Explosion event
Monday 4th November: Closure Day
Tuesday 5th November: Melbourne Cup Day
Friday 15th November: Pupil Free Day
Year One News
Silly Socks Day on Wednesday brought smiles and laughter to the Year One students, as they generously donated money for Missions. Our Guess the Lolly Jar Fundraiser has also been a huge hit and we will be announcing the winner next week. Thank you to all the Year One families for supporting our fundraisers.
Formalised assessment tasks have begun for Term 4 and the students have been completing these tasks with their best effort. This data is highly valuable in helping us write accurate school reports and to inform future teaching decisions. Please also keep an eye out for Seesaw tasks and assessments being posted.
During our Health lessons along with our SWPB focus, the students have been learning about what it means to be sunsmart. It is extremely important that all students bring a wide brim/bucket hat to school each day. Please ensure their name is clearly labelled.
Congratulations to Karinya on a fantastic effort at assembly today. We are very proud of all the students with their commitment to learning their readings and their confidence speaking in front of the school. Thank you to the parents who supplied a delicious afternoon tea to share.
Upcoming Important Dates:
Thursday 31st October: Announcement of lolly jar winners
Friday 1st November: School Run4Fun Colour Explosion event
Monday 4th November: Closure Day
Tuesday 5th November: Melbourne Cup Day
Friday 15th November: Pupil Free Day

Year Two News
Our Mission fundraisers continued this week with our Silly Socks Day on Wednesday. Check out our weird, wacky and colourful silly socks!

Our Guess the Lolly Jar Fundraiser has also been a huge hit and we will be announcing the winner next week. Thank you to all the Year Two families for supporting our fundraisers during Mission Month.
We have begun formalised assessment tasks and the students have been completing these tasks with a clear focus and great attitude. We commend each one for doing their very best. This data is highly valuable in helping us write accurate school reports and to inform future teaching decisions. We will also have a number of Seesaw tasks being posted. This will show you how the children are going with their learnings and understandings. We encourage you to ‘like’ and comment on their work in Seesaw.
Year Three News
The Year Three’s had a wonderful day today creating their money lines with the Year Fours, raising money towards our Mission Month!
A reminder that on Thursday 31st October, the Middle Unit will celebrate their Mission Month fundraising event, a pyjama/casual dress, movie day. Students will have the opportunity to choose between three PG rated movies, The Haunted Mansion, Kung Fu Panda 4 and Inside Out 2. The cost will be $5, to be paid on CDF pay prior to the event. Their ticket price will include popcorn and a choice of two sweet treats. Students will be permitted to bring a pillow, slippers (to be worn inside only) or other basic ‘comfort items.’
As we approach the end of the year, we have been completing a range of formalised assessment tasks. This data is highly valuable in helping us write accurate school reports and to inform future teaching decisions. Our students have done a great job giving their best and maintaining respectful testing conditions.
We have noticed that many Year Three students have been bringing toys and other accessories from home and taking them out into the school yard during recess and lunch. While we understand that these items can be special to them, we kindly ask that they be left at home. If your child requires something specific for personal support, please feel free to reach out to discuss this further.
The majority of our students now have sneakers with laces. In readiness for Year Four, it would be great to foster their independence by learning to tie their own shoelaces. You might find this website from Ascent shoes helpful.
Have a great weekend!
Year Four News
Well done to all the Year Four students who participated in the Inter school basketball competition last Friday. Both the teams went through the tournament undefeated. In the boys' draw there were uneven numbers so they didn’t get to play off in a grand final and unfortunately,the result went against them on percentage. The girls team however played off in a very exciting game and ended up champions. They defeated Irymple 12 points to10. Many thanks to all parents and family members or friends who took time out of their day to come and support the teams. Particular thanks to Briday Ferguson (Sophie Year 3)who scored for both teams.
A brief overview of some of our learning this week; we have concluded our Science focus on ‘Forces’. In Maths, we have begun a unit on Three-dimensional objects and in SEL we have begun an introduction to puberty and looked at how everyone is made in the image and likeness of God.
A reminder that on Thursday 31st October, the Middle Unit will celebrate their Mission Month fundraising event, a pyjama/casual dress, movie day. Students will have the opportunity to choose between three PG rated movies, The Haunted Mansion, Kung Fu Panda 4 and Inside Out 2. The cost will be $5, to be paid on CDF pay prior to the event. Their ticket price will include popcorn and a choice of two sweet treats. Students will be permitted to bring a pillow, slippers (to be worn inside only) or other basic ‘comfort items.’
Year Five News
The Grade Fives had a wonderful day on Tuesday raising money for Missions. Everyone was nice and comfy in their pyjamas and we enjoyed choosing between watching Surf’s Up or The Emoji Movie in our classrooms. We also indulged in some snacks left over from Grade Five camp! Between this and our Lolly Jar Fundraiser, students have been able to contribute money to our Mission Month fundraising effort so a big thank you from us!
Week 4 is a big week of testing for the Grade Fives as we endeavour to finish all of our PAT testing and writing moderations.
Some dates looking ahead:
Monday 28th Oct: Hot Dog & Ice Cream Lunch
Friday Nov 1: Colour Fun Run!
Monday Nov 4: School Closure
Monday Nov 5: Melb Cup holiday
Thursday 14th Nov: Yr 5 Leadership Day
Year 6 2025 Commemorative jumper and polo shirts
Students received a note this week with information regarding the Year 6 commemorative rugby jumpers and polo shirts for the 2025 school year. Please be aware these are ordered through Mattnifico .Orders will need to be placed prior to Friday 6th December.
Year Six News
No news this week
Student Awards
Congratulations to this weeks Students of the Week!
COOINDA | Angel Nkurikiye and Efe Wiltshire |
WAHROONGA | Aalam Bhullar |
BUNDALEER | Eliza Kilpatrick and Wynter Sicker |
KARINYA | Sophie Peters and Annviya Jison |
WAMINDA | Jack Clohesy and Mason Frasca |
BARRAMINGA | Caterina Bajer and Rueben Farnsworth |
NAROOMA | Vivianna Ficarra and Carter Bush |
DOURIM | James Driscoll and Billie Jenkins |
KYEMA | Franceska Krivec |
ILLAWARRA | William Tallent and Baylee Joyce |
MYALLA | Jake Bottrell |
EUMERALLA | Ivy Baird |
MINGA | Matilda Sims |
AMAROO | Ethan Dalla Santa and Harry Marciano |
YONGANA | Cristiano Cursaro |
MOOTWINGEE | Reagan Boord |

Library News
Orders for the Scholastic Book Club Issue #7 are now closed and finalised. Within a fortnight, orders are delivered to SHPS and given to students in their classrooms.
Occasionally, some orders may be on backorder. If this is the case, students usually receive stickers with a note from Scholastic.
If you have questions or issues with Book Club, please don't hesitate to contact me rather than directly messaging Scholastic.
Mrs Pacher
It is part of the SHPS routine for students to bring SHPS library bags to school every day. The bags may store important notes, or students' work distributed that day, and the bags also protect library books and prevent damage. It is an effective way to keep the books all together.
At SHPS, the students are encouraged to be safe, respectful and responsible as they go about their learning and play breaks. It is safe, respectful and responsible to keep library books in their library bag.

First Aid

As the weather starts to warm up, please ensure you are packing a drink bottle to come to school with your child. Staying hydrated throughout the day is super important to reduce the risk of heat related illnesses.
If your child suffers from hayfever and other seasonal allergies, please also consider administering their medication at home before they arrive at school, such as Claratyne and Zyrtec. This will avoid having to bring the medication down to school throughout the day.
If your child has Asthma/Severe Allergies/Anaphylaxis, please consider making appointments with appropriate health care professionals to update their Action Plans for 2025.

Parent Information
Arriving and Leaving Safely
Kiss & Go
To help keep everyone safe during drop-off and pick-up please take note of the following rules at Kiss and Go and the School Crossing that should be followed both in the morning (8:10-8:45am) and afternoon (3pm-3:30pm):
- Stay in your vehicle unless you need to assist younger students with their seat belts.
- Aim to keep your car in the Kiss & Go area for a maximum of two minutes to allow others to use the space too.
- Access the Kiss & Go only from Olive Grove, not 12th Street.
- Please refrain from dropping off students outside of cars in Olive Grove.
- Avoid performing U-turns within the Kiss & Go area.
- For your safety, use the school crossing if you need to cross 12th Street.
Thanks for helping us keep our school safe for everyone!

Pick Up and Drop Off Points
In the mornings, the Olive Grove gate will remain closed, so students and visitors can only enter through the 12th Street or Tamarisk Grove gates. After school, only the Olive Grove gate near the Art House will be open and supervised by a staff member. This change aims to enhance student and traffic safety.
Please ensure you find a suitable and permissible parking spot for your car in order to use these locations.

Riding Scooters & Bikes
Certain students walk, ride bikes, or scooters to school and are requested to use either the 12th Street entrance or the Tamarisk Grove entrance at the rear of the oval. Riding into or through the school grounds is not permitted.
Collect Children from School Grounds
Feel free to come into school to pick up your child directly from their classroom. It's an excellent opportunity to meet other parents, have casual conversations with teachers, and ensure your child is organised at the end of the day. If you choose this option, please park appropriately and be outside the classroom by the 3.10 bell; otherwise, your child will be directed to the supervised Kiss and Go area. Students and young siblings should refrain from using the playground equipment.
School Crossings
Students walking home are advised to use the school crossings on Twelfth Street, Walnut Avenue and Eleventh Street to safely avoid heavily trafficked roads. All crossings are supervised by a School Crossing Supervisor, and it's crucial to follow their directions. We also encourage parents to model expected behaviours by using the School Crossings also.
Several of our students catch buses home from the St. Joseph’s bus stop on 11th Street. Each day a teacher gathers these children together and accompanies them to the bus stop to supervise until they are all safely on the bus.
Drop Off Times
Preferred 'Drop Off' Time: 8.25 - 8.45 am. For safety reasons, please refrain from dropping off students before 8.19 am, as there is no supervision provided. Our gates open at this time.
Pick Up Times
Recommended 'Pick Up' Time: 3.10 - 3.25 PM. While we understand occasional delays, if regular or extending beyond 3.30 PM, please consider enrolling your child/ren in After School Care.
Walking or Riding Home
If your children walk or ride home or to your workplace after school, please submit written permission authorising them to leave unaccompanied. They must exit through the main 12th Street gate or accompany the 11th Street bus group through Tamarisk Grove.
Alternative Pick Up Places
For safety, we strongly advise against arrangements where children wait unsupervised at public pick-up locations like Walnut Avenue or St Joseph’s College.
Healthy Eating
To sustain learning and promote healthy eating we encourage students to bring to school predominantly healthy food choices.
Students have a brain food break during the morning to keep children’s brains fuelled for learning. We ask that families send an extra fresh fruit or vegetable snack for children to have during this time. When sending the snack, please pack it separately from your child’s lunch in a small, named container so it can be placed on their desk each morning.

Lunch Snack
The main meal of the school day; a sandwich or roll, a salad or a slice of quiche. A healthy ‘treat’ may also be appropriate here that is healthy and gives long-term energy. Lunch is eaten usually in the classroom from 11:25am-11:40am.

Recess Snack
We encourage parents to pack fresh fruit or vegetables in your child’s recess snack box. You may like to pack one or two other snack items for them at this time. This snack is eaten at 1:40pm.

Packing Food
The school has a bank of refrigerators for the storage of students’’ food. For the ease of packing and unloading the fridges, we ask that parents provide separate, small, well-labelled containers or zip-lock bags for their child’s recess snack and lunch. Insulated ‘puffy’ lunchboxes and ice-blocks are not required.

School Canteen
Our School Canteen operates on a Wednesday and Friday and provides a range of lunch options at low cost. The current menu and prices can be accessed through and ordered via the CDFpay website

Office Hours
Office hours will run from 8:20am to 4:00pm every day. Phone calls can be made starting at 8:00 am.
Change of Personal Details
If there are any changes to your contact details (address/phone number/emergency contacts), kindly inform the office by calling 50231204, emailing, or visiting the office in person.
Simon Everywhere and Parent Access Module (PAM)
Simon Everywhere is an App for smart phones that allows parents to access all information relating to their child/ren such as reports, attendance and much more. It also allows you to update medical information, give permission for excursions, access teacher emails and also receive notifications from the school.
For parents familiar with PAM, the new App works mostly the same as PAM and you can still access PAM through the web site:, however the app has additional functionality such as Push notifications and the ability to sign in without having to enter your username and password each time.
- Go to the App Store or Google Play Store and search Simon Everywhere
- Download and open the App and Allow Notifications
- Enter your name and phone number and press verify, you will receive a code via SMS
- Click on 'Add School'
- Select Sacred Heart Primary School, Mildura - Parent Access
- Enter your PAM username and password. If you do not know your credentials, please call the school.
Click on the Home icon.
Simon everywhere works best when notifications are turned on. You can check the notifications setting on your phone to be sure by going to the Settings – Notifications – Then find the Simon Everywhere App.
Sickness at School
Children with severe colds, flus, or other debilitating illnesses must stay at home. Do not send the child if they have:
- Fever: Children with a fever over 38 degrees should stay home.
- Prescribed antibiotics: Keep a child at home for at least 24 hours if prescribed antibiotics for an acute illness.
- Diarrhea: Children with watery stool should return only after being symptom-free for at least 24 hours.
- Vomiting: Children who are vomiting should stay home until at least 24 hours after it has stopped.
After School Care
After School Care is available for Sacred Heart students and is located on our school grounds. Camp Australia run this program for students from Sacred Heart Primary School and St Paul's Primary School. The program runs from the Art House building which is located on Olive Grove.
Sacred Heart families can make use of the Camp Australia After-School Care Program that is held on the grounds of Sacred Heart. The service is available from 3:10pm through to 6pm on school days. A healthy snack is provided to children. Registration needs to be done through the Camp Australia website . Further information can be obtained by calling 1300 105 343. Each day the office will print out a list of students attending Out of Hours School Care and notify the students at the end of the day via the announcements.
Marking Child’s Absence
- Log into the App - SimonEverywhere or login via PAM (type in your address bar).
- You can either log by clicking on the large blue calendar section that says Parent Notified Absences or you can click on the 3 menu lines at the top right-hand side of your screen. NOTE: On your phone it will appear below your child/ren’s name.
- You will then need to click the blue + Add Absence button circled below
- Then select your child, and in reason
If your family is going on an extended family holiday. Please contact the school to inquire about an Student Absence Learning Plan.

School Day
- 8:19 am - Gates open & students can access Courtyard
- 8:34 am - Access Courtyard and play on Oval (classrooms opening optional for teachers)
- 8.49 am - School day begins - classroom open
- 8:55 am - School starts.
- 9.55 am - Brain Break
- 10:55 am - Lunch Play
- 11.25 am - Lunch Eat
- 1.40 pm - Recess
- 2.10 pm - Recess Finishes
- 3.10 pm - School finishes
Sports Uniform Days
- Cooinda (Mrs O’Callaghan) - Thursday & Friday
- Wahroonga (Miss Moore) - Thursday & Friday
Year One:
- Bundaleer (Mrs Coffey & Mrs Priestley) - Tuesday & Wednesday
- Karinya (Mrs Groves) - Tuesday & Wednesday
Year Two:
- Barramunga (Mrs Carmichael) - Tuesday & Friday
- Waminda (Mrs Collins) - Monday & Friday
Year Three:
- Narooma (Mrs Beckwith) - Monday & Tuesday
- Dourim (Mrs Kotsiakos & Mrs Irvin) - Monday & Thursday
Year Four:
- Illawarra (Mrs Willersdorf) - Monday & Tuesday
- Myalla (Mrs Rowles) - Monday & Wednesday
- Kyema (Mrs Johnson) - Monday & Thursday
Year Five:
- Minga (Mrs Deacon) - Monday & Wednesday
- Eumeralla (Mrs Gunn & Mrs Pacher) - Monday & Wednesday
Year Six:
- Amaroo (Mrs Campbell) - Tuesday & Friday
- Yongana (Mrs Zaxos) - Monday & Friday
- Mootwingee (Mrs Thompson) - Thursday & Friday
Term Dates
Period | Start | Finish | Length |
Term 1 | Monday 29 January (Students start 30 January) | Thursday 28 March | 9 weeks |
Term 2 | Monday 15 April | Friday 28 June | 11 weeks |
Term 3 | Monday 15 July | Friday 20 September | 10 weeks |
Term 4 | Monday 7 October | Friday 20 December (Students likely finish Wednesday 18th December but is yet to be confirmed) | 11 weeks |